Upcoming (Week 36)

Second week in a row that takes off in Gothenburg (last week I spent Sunday and Monday night there, this time Monday night). Sometimes it pays to be nice to hotel staff – Bellora gave us a surprise upgrade, complete with complimentary fruit basket. It’s a nice hotel situated right on the Avenyn, and their breakfast is to die for. Highly recommended.

Work: autumn season is in full swing, and several clients now want to move forward at a rather quick pace. A few deadlines in the upcoming weeks, as well as the “when you’ve finished x, we want to start doing y and z”; two meetings, training, and highlight this week, Apple’s “See you on the 7th” event Wednesday.

After nearly two years with my trusty 5K iMac it was time for a complete reformat and reinstall – some processes were starting to get a little slow, and I feel that it’s sometimes a good thing to clean out everything and install applications from scratch: that way, applications that weren’t used much to begin with will not be installed a second time. Feels like I suddenly got a brand new (and lightning fast!) work station.

About admin

Hi and welcome to my online bricolage. Here I’ll go on about anything from music to software and photography. It is essentially an online addition of sorts to my own personal diary.
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