
That feeling when, after >20h of work put into a solution with a rather complex schema, it suddenly dawns on you that your client got a few relationships all wrong, explains it to you again one more time how it really should be set up, and then ends with an almost whisper-like “sorry about that”. Oh yes: that feeling.

(Conclusion re: previous paragraph: always, always ask follow-up questions no matter how stupid they might seem. I rather do a few extra “what if” questions than have things brushed off like they’re not really relevant. Because if it’s going to be included as part of the schema, it is relevant.)

I do think I lost most of my trust in have been skeptic towards news media for a long time. Despite obvious efforts like the app from SVT Nyheter that came out earlier this year, the technical know-how takes second stage when the whole thing is riddled with spelling mistakes on a daily basis (even headlines!) – and here I was thinking that any basic word processor would underline any misspelled word in red. Seems like I was sadly mistaken. If “journalists” don’t seem to care shit about spelling, why should I trust them?

Realized the other day that I haven’t done any traditional TV viewing since some time early spring; it’s all iTunes subscriptions through my Apple TV or online content (either live streamed or downloaded) on the iPad. Give me an all I can eat streaming television service already.

About admin

Hi and welcome to my online bricolage. Here I’ll go on about anything from music to software and photography. It is essentially an online addition of sorts to my own personal diary.
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